The H2D-39 is the world’s first high-end, digital auto-
focus camera based on a 39 million pixel sensor.
The H2D-39 is designed around the Hasselblad H2
camera and is completely compatible with the H2’s
range of Central shutter-based lenses, considered by
many to be the finest high-performance lenses in the
world. The H2D-39 also includes a range of extended
digital features including Digital APO Correction tech-
nology and Instant Approval Architecture. The Has-
selblad H2D-39 brings the highest level of integration
and flexibility to the professional photographer.
39 million pixels
H2D-39 with Digital APO Correction
The H2D-39 uses a 39 megapixel sensor that is more The H2D-39 captures an extended set of metadata and then
than twice the physical size of today’s 35mm sensors. performs an automated correction for color aberration effects
This sensor holds more and larger pixels, which guaran- with every shot. This means that your digital captures are auto-
tees superior image quality and provides moiré free color matically optimized to provide the finest detail that a given lens
rendering without gradation break-ups in even the finest lit can resolve. We have named this feature “Digital APO Correc-
surfaces. Images shot with the H2D-39 have unsurpassed tion” (DAC), signifying the digital, APO-chromatic correction of
clarity and sharpness, thanks to the ultra-high pixel resolu- the images that takes place. Implementation of this feature
tion produced by the 39 Mpix sensor. This sensor produces includes detailed mapping of each H system lens, ensuring that
the largest digital files currently available for professional each image represents the best that your equipment can pro-
photography, making them ideal for the most demanding, duce. We are confident that the image quality you achieve as a
high resolution printing applications and give the photogra- result of the DAC functionality will make you - and your custom-
pher increased flexibility and creative control when cropping ers - look twice.
or enlarging for printing. The H2D-39 represent the finest
image capture quality possible; all images are the result Unique Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
of the superior performance of the H System camera and In the past, color management solutions have imposed limita-
lenses and have been fine tuned with Hasselblad’s unique tions on professional digital photographers,because of the need
Digital APO Correction technique. Hasselblad’s Natural to choose a specific color profile to suit a specific job in order
Color Solution also gives optimal color reproduction across to capture various skin tones, metals, fabrics, flowers, etc. Has-
all job types.
selblad has helped solve this dilemma, with the development of
a new, powerful color profile to be used with its FlexColor imag-
Today’s photographers demand higher resolution, less ing software. Working with the new Hasselblad Natural Color
noise, and improved composition, all of which the H2D-39 Solution enables you to produce outstanding and reliable out-of-
provides. The new 39Mpix H2D-39 is a true Hasselblad, the-box colors, with skin tones, special product gradations, and
with every feature and aspect of its performance represent- other difficult colors reproduced easily and effectively.
ing the superior quality and design that go into each Has-
selblad product.
We have developed a new Hasselblad raw file format called: 3F
RAW (3FR) to help implement our new unique color system. The
Sensor size
39 Mpixels
36.7 x 49.0 mm
Sensor dimensions
Image size (8/16 bit RGB)
Shooting mode
RAW capture 78 MBytes, lossless compressed 50 MBytes (average)
Single shot
Color definition
16 bit
ISO speed range
Longest shutter speed
Image storage
ISO 50, 100, 200 and 400
32 seconds
CF card type II (write speed >20 MB/sec), New Image Bank 80 GB external
hard drive or tethered to Mac or PC
Color management
Storage capacity
Battery type
Hasselblad HB RGB: • full dynamics • reproduction dynamics
Over 1500 images on a 80 GByte disk
Li-ion (powered from the H2D camera grip)
Capture rate
35 captures per minute
OLED 2.2”
Color display
Histogram feedback
IR filter
Mounted on CCD sensor
Acoustic feedback
IAA - Instant Approval Architecture
Included, with:
• Exposure meta data:
• Acoustic feed back:
• Metadata classification: yes
File format
Lossless compressed Hasselblad 3F RAW
Flexcolor (included) or Hasselblad DNG converter (included)
Macintosh: OSX. PC: NT, 2000, XP
Platform support
Host connection type
Battery capacity
Operating temperature
FireWire 800 (IEEE1394b)
H2D camera system, Li-ion battery: 250 captures in 4 hours
0 - 45 ˚C / 32 - 113 ˚F
Complete camera w. 2,8/80 mm lens: 153 x 131 x 200mm [W x H x D]
2175 g (Complete camera with Li-Ion battery and CF card)
See also specification for Hasselblad H2 camera. Excluding the film and digital compatibility parts.
H2D-39 lens range
HC 3.5/35 mm
HC 2.2/100 mm
HC 4/210 mm
HC 3.5/50 mm
HC Macro 4/120 mm
HC 4.5/300 mm
HC 2.8/80 mm
HC 3.2/150 mm
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110 mm
HC 1.7X converter
All C-type lenses from the V system with optional CF lens adapter
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